Recruiting is complicated. We remove the stress. We maximize opportunities.

We support YOU.



REACH brings more than two decades of experience in Division I college athletics, recruiting, and coaching to provide the knowledge and capabilities to simplify and streamline your college placement and recruiting process to maximize your strengths and recruitability. Our years as recruiters and coaches in the Big Ten, Ivy League, Patriot League, and ACC and as high school coaches across the country provides a strong foundation of understanding and knowledge to implement our proven strategies for college placement.

Who is REACH →


Our approach explains the recruiting process, leverages conversations at all levels of college athletics, and creates realistic goals and expectations.

We value the opportunity to bridge the gap between what you want in your education and finding the university program that fits you best.

Our boutique service caters specifically to your goals and needs to guide you to an informed decision - with you in the driver’s seat of your college placement and recruitment process.


Our Clients


Parents know there are a plethora of opportunities available to their high school student-athlete. Our students and their families are looking for guidance: where to start, what to do next, and how to maximize your student’s limited time and resources to realize their opportunities. At REACH, we love working with students who have time to complete a deep dive into what makes our student tick and what programs match their values and goals best, and we work with students as young as 9th grade. Our boutique, customizable process lends itself well to students on the other end of the spectrum: ones for whom the window is closing fast and recruiting isn’t gaining the traction you expect.

Case Studies →


Our Mission

REACH puts you in charge of your college placement and recruitment. We believe there is a place for everyone, and preach the power of the recruiting process as the lens through which to view your potential match. We are committed to supporting students to feel confident in advocating for themselves and exploring their strengths and resources to find academic and athletic opportunities that fulfill their goals and needs academically, athletically, and more. We are driven to guide young student-athletes through a complex and adult process, learning life skills along the way. We are the facilitators, allowing parents and student-athletes to maximize their opportunities and enjoy the process of discovery.


Who is recruitable?

YOU. A multi-sport athlete. An 8th grader. A senior. An international prospect. What kind of REACH can you expect?

Our unique services

Every athletic experience has the potential to impact your college placement process and ultimate match. REACH to find yours.

Who are we?

From Cornell University, Rutgers, and beyond, we are successful DI athletes, coaches, recruiters, and parents. We want to help.


College admissions has changed since today’s high school parents experienced it. Admissions are more and more selective, with elite college admission rates approaching 5%. Furthermore, the process is constantly evolving and remains opaque and confusing. Today’s parents and students are expected to navigate the waters of this complex challenge while maintaining the other aspects of a busy life. At REACH, we have the time and resources to keep up with changes, research opportunities, and create an overarching strategy with milestones and timelines that are customized to your particular student and situation.

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How do we help?

We take the strain out of college placement by providing informed support during your college and recruitment search. Schedule a free consultation to explore: Your student-athlete’s needs and goals, what we do, and how we can support your goals. College placement is a process. Let’s start with a conversation.

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